Monday, October 4, 2010

Let me check the math

So I saw The Social Network. It didn't blow me away. It wasn't that it was bad or anything, it's just that it's so obvious that most of it is exaggerated. I mean honestly, Mark Zuckerberg is made out to be some socially retarded asshole with magic programing skills. I understand he could probably hack college computer systems but I mean the whole character is completely unfit for anyone with an intelligence like his. If you haven't seen the movie this next part is spoilers. So basically Mark gets wasted and makes a site where people rated girls at Harvard by how hot they are, which gets him in trouble for breach of privacy or something stupid like that. Basically the Harvard computer guys get all butt-hurt that he hacked their system, and put him on probation. Then these twin brothers from some club read the story and ask him to make their site. Of course Mark steals the idea and makes Facebook, and the wonder twins are like "well shit" so they sue him. While this is going on, Justin Timberlake gets high on cocaine and convinces Mark that he is the one true master of the internet and that Mark should come hang with him in Cali. So he does cause he's got a raging boner for the guy, and his friend who has been paying for Facebook so far is all "OK I'll stay here and try to get money for the site, please don't screw me over." So Mark and Timberlake screw him over, which Mark seems to be indifferent about which is weird cause it's his only friend, and I don't see how anyone with the intelligence required to get into Harvard could not see that screwing over an old friend because of a new man-crush is a shit idea. Whatever. So then Timberlake gets caught with coke and he's all "it's not mine" but Marks doesn't believe him. Eventually Mark's lawyer tells him that he's probably in the right, but he's gonna lose the case cause of all the times he was an asshole which is always. And then the movie ends with Mark Zuckerberg facebook-stalking his ex.

Jesse Eisenberg was good though.


  1. Great post!

    looking forward to reading the next one

  2. i really, really want to see this movie. this weekend hopefully.

  3. hmm you've made me question whether I really want to see this movie now. , would you say it's worth paying for?

    Lifehack's guide to getting high off your body, out now!

  4. So Mark was trying to be the Final Boss of the Internet?
    I found your summary humorous.

  5. It's a movie you're probably only gonna see once, mike. so either see it in theaters or find it online

  6. I am now even less likely to see this movie.

  7. well ill go ahead and throw this out there...

    the social network really impressed me

  8. wait didnt he create faceplash or watever in order to get some recognition for his programing skills?
