Sunday, September 26, 2010

The floor is lava

So I asked my friend Zach (the writer from my Rape Zombies post) how the book was coming and he told me it was on hold. When I asked how long he said, "Let me put it this way, the working title of the book is: I'm Never Going to Finish This." Personally I'm impressed he got as far as he did before he gave up on it. He always was very vocal about his hatred of writing. Hopefully this hiatus is not indefinite and he will return to writing what I can only assume is the greatest book of all time. I mean with rape zombies and one of the characters having Tourettes, it is obviously the Grapes of Wrath of our time.

Later on my brother, my friend, and I decided we were going to make videos to put on youtube. coming up with a hundred great ideas we didn't have the means of doing, we decided to make a short video of my friend walking into a room and staring at us standing on the couches, I then proceed to tell him that the floor is lava and then my brother falls onto the floor and starts screaming. It's pretty stupid, I know. I'll probably post it when I finish editing it.


  1. sounds like writers block. he'll continue it soon.

  2. I used to love playing the floor is lava when I was younger

  3. But, but, but, I'm so excited for it. I love zombie-themed writing. :)

    Tell him to get back crackin'. He'll do alright.

  4. Never really got writers block but I guess inspiration isn't always endless... Floor is lava = awesome btw

  5. haha i wanna see the youtube vid. post it up soon

  6. I get a form of writers block sometimes... called video block. :(

  7. The funniest videos are often the ones that people stood around before making, saying "this is too stupid to make, you guys. We should stop."

  8. I loathe the process of writing very much.
    Nice blog you have here bro,
    supporting and following~

  9. As a writer myself, I know how it feels to never finish something! One of the suckiest things ever.

  10. classic childhood games, or when your wasted
